Sunday, July 26, 2009

produce blues

On Saturday, I picked up Karen's half farm share, since she's out of town and mostly not living in Brooklyn these days. I also picked up her out-of-town friend's half farm share. In addition to the half share Karen got last week but hasn't been around to eat and the ample groceries I picked up at the coop this past week, the fridge is full of fresh produce, some of it neglected and rapidly aging. I've been eating it and cooking it, but there's just so much one person can do. I tried inviting people over for dinner, to no avail. The abundance, in contrast with lonely old me being the only one around to appreciate it, really makes me question some of my life choices. How did I get into this situation? There is irony in the fact that I have just put out traps to kill the mice and fruit flies who are willing to give me company in enjoying the food. Maybe I'm living my life wrong.

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